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Flat Duo Jets Sacred Rats 92.jpg
poster for The Union 1992

Flaming Carrot jason's 1'st band.jpg
South Green 8pm

A hard rock cover of Boppin' the Blues

What You Stole From My Heart.pdf
The last band I had in Athens, Ohio was a supergroup called Fishnak. These live tracks are from an awesome show Fishnak played at The Union in 1999. Later that year a college-long dream of mine would come true when Fishnak would play on the stage on…
run coward, death beef, bobb hatt and chris lute, mr leg and lowell jacobs - September 16, 2009
This is the beginning of the story of a skeleton that wanted to leave Skeleton City, a mildly popular comic strip which can be found on Instagram. (chris_monday0797) The protagonist is discovering life outside of the frame for the first time, and…

EOB reunion Bloodstock 2016.jpg
Chris Biester,Chris Henry,Rob Russel,Adam Brodkin re unite as OEB (The Electric Ozoner Band) at the Bloodstock festival in 2016.

EOB Re union Bloodstock  Hank.jpg
Christopher Henry, drummer of The Electric Ozoner Band and Creme Flip, shows how a professional drum kit is used.

EOB Sacred Rats Evil Orange poster.jpg

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