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Party 1.jpg
People at parties

lawn party II.jpg
People at parties

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lowell at monument.jpg
Photo of a young Lowell, taken at the Monument on College Green at Ohio University in Athens, OH 1988. Credit Melinda Massey.

Pimpy Accelerator.jpg
This performance of Pimpy Accelerator is from the Botulism Music Benefit, held at The Union in 1996.
Pimpy Accelerator-Live! at The Union PART TWO

Planet of the Pants poster.jpg
Video by Ezra Thobabben. Poppycock is Ezra "Killygoof" Thobaben on cocktail kit and lead vocals. Matthew "Professor Wigglepenny" Toledo on guitar and backing vocals. Alex "I Don't Have A Catchy Nickname" Neff on bass sometimes (but not this time,…
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